Whether you prefer a more personalized approach to learning, you want to complement the instruction you are getting in a group class, private training may be the perfect option for you!

Private lessons are available for both FITNESS and MARTIAL ARTS in NYC, including specific areas of interest (see below)

Top 5 Reasons for Private Lessons!

1. Motivation

Having an instructor by your side can provide the encouragement, energy, and motivation you need to begin your journey. An instructor can also help you set goals, create a plan to accomplish them, and celebrate the day you reach them.

2. Consistency

Do you find it difficult to stay disciplined? An instructor can hold you accountable and help you overcome all the excuses you might use to avoid your commitment to training. It’s a lot harder to skip a lesson when you know someone is waiting for you.

3. Skill development

For more advanced students, private attention is needed to work on finer details, as well as more advanced applications. Issues such as technique, timing, and precision can be dealt with better in a private setting.

4. Avoid Injury

If you are new to martial arts or exercise or find that some movements are painful, it is worth having a private lesson to be certain that you are moving in a safe and effective way. Taking the time to learn proper technique can improve your results and prevent annoying injuries.

5. Progress

There is no question that progress is exponentially faster in a private lesson than a group class. It’s why all the greatest martial artists and athletes in the world have had private instruction or coaching. It is simply is more efficient and effective.

Areas of Interest

Styles of kali / escrima offered: Modern Arnis, Lightning Scientific Arnis Intl., Kali Arnis Intl., Doblete Rapilon

Training Categories: Weapons, Panuntukan, Dumog, Boxing, Kickboxing, Self-Defense

Training Rates

Discounted Rates Available for Members with PG Wilton and Manong Boo


Rates for Non-Members

1 session $150

5 sessions $725

10 sessions $1400

*** TSR students are offered discounted rates starting at $80/hr with PG Wilton and Manong Boo.***

Meet The Instructors

Punong Guro Wilton Valerio

  • Chief instructor and co-founder of TSR Kali.

  • Kali Arnis International - Punong Guro / Master Instructor under Grandmaster Vicente Sanchez and Grandmaster Japi Akira Sanchez

  • Lightning Scientific Arnis International – Guro/Instructor under Master Karl Butcher 

  • International Modern Arnis Federation - 1st degree Instructor under GM Samuel ‘Bambit’ Dulay

A quick glimpse of what private training with Wilton looks like.

Training sessions cover conditioning, coordination, mobility and the fundamentals needed to improve your understanding of kali / escrima and most importantly focus on your goals.

More instructor profiles coming soon!