About TSR Kali
Tersia Serrada Rapilon (TSR) Kali is a Filipino martial arts system founded on the principles of preservation, integration, and evolution of the Filipino classical arts known as kali, eskrima, and arnis as it was taught generations ago.
The effectiveness of the Filipino combative arts has proven itself in recent history, demonstrating their combat effectiveness in the Spanish American War, World War II, Korean War and present day conflicts against domestic and foreign terrorist.
Many of the surviving "Living Legends" have devoted themselves to the modern development of kali, eskrima, and arnis. Recently in 2010, these “Living Legends” banded together and lobbied the Philippine government to include Arnis as the national sport of the Philippines as well as integration the art into the Philippine school system. Now, kali, eskrima, arnis is a standard part of the Philippine education system and regarded as a national treasure.
It is this cultural knowledge, experience, and dedication that TSR Kali strives to preserve and integrate into a pragmatic, modern day self-defense system.
The Meaning of TSR Kali
Tersia, meaning “thirds”, represents the 3 ranges of fighting we deal with - largo (long), media (medium), and corto (short/close).
Serrada, meaning “closed”, represents the concept of closing off and nullifying of an opponent’s attack usually by, but not always, getting to their weak/off side.
Rapilon, traditionally referred to a type of repeated circular attack, the name represents the continuous barrage of counter attacks with constant pressure towards the attacker to overwhelming, off balance, and disorient them.
This name was chosen as a homage to the different concept and philosophies of the various styles of kali, eskrima arnis the school represents and its integration and evolution into the modern day for practical self defense.
The Goal of TSR Kali
Within TSR Kali, the styles of eskrima taught will enable the student to be proficient in the use of the sword, sword and dagger, dagger, single stick, double stick, hand to hand combat, and grappling.
The hallmark of TSR Kali is its cohesive, practical, and progressive curriculum that will develop the student into an effective martial artist and provide them the option to become an internationally recognized and certified, professional martial arts instructor under TSR Kali.
Affiliations and Lineage
Kali Arnis International
Kali Arnis International was founded by Elder Senior Grandmaster Vicente Sanchez.
Grandmaster Sanchez was one of a handful of Modern Arnis practitioners worldwide to be promoted to Lakan Walo (8th degree black belt).
He was a senior master of Lightning Scientific Arnis International. He was also a member of the Modern Arnis Senior Masters Council, and a founding member of the World Kali-Eskrima-Arnis Grandmasters Council (headquartered in Manila).
During his 50+ years tenure in the Filipino martial arts, GM Sanchez mastered four major arnis systems.
The following are the systems he mastered and that make up Kali Arnis International:
Cinco Teros – under Antonio Javier
Kasilagan – under Johnny Panuringan
Modern Arnis – under Remy A. Presas
Tersia, Serrada, Cadenilla y Espada y Daga – under Benjamin Luna Lema
(Lightning Scientific Arnis International – LSAI)
Source: Wikipedia
Lightning Scientific International UK
Lightning Scientific Arnis is a Filipino Martial art founded by Grandmaster Benjamin Luna Lema in 1937.
Grandmaster Lema was born in Mambusao Capiz, Panay Island, Philippines and began first learning espada y daga from his father. And it was under the tutelage of a number of respected masters of arnis where he perfected the styles of largo mano (long range) and de salon (close quarters).
After serving in World War II, he along with five other members integrated their respective styles of arnis into the formation of Lightning Scientific Arnis, with him as acting headmaster.
Lightning Scientific Arnis is a system that revolves around the concept of Tersia Serrada Cadenilla y Espada y Daga which is a method of intercepting and redirecting attacks and blind-siding the opponent.
Emphasis is placed on the ability to maneuver the stick with a great deal of energy and impact power through the use of solo baston, doble baston, and espada y daga.
This is typically followed by the use of continuous strikes to the off side while the checking hand constantly pushes, presses, and controls the opponent keeping him always imbalanced.
In advanced practice, the empty hand will be replaced by a dagger to further increase skill development.
Source: FMA Pulse